Helpful Coaching Resources
Centre for Clinical Interventions
An incredibly thorough and helpful resource both for coaches as well as clients, all free with pdf handouts and worksheets. Put together by clinical psychologists through the Government of Western Australia. I found out about this resource when I was an eating disorder dietitian. Some may stray into therapy realms but I find so much can be useful and practical, and we can find a way of working on it with clients within our scope as coaches.
Patience: Reflections on This Necessary & Challenging Ingredient for Change
Written for the Vancouver Island Voices for Eating Disorders blog
Interview for Eating Disorder Jobs as part of their Advice From The Experts series
Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching: How it Works
Written for the newsletter of eating disorder therapist Esther Kane, MSW
How To Thrive: Expert Tips For Coping With Depression & An Eating Disorder
Contributor to the e-book available through Amazon